I think my last blog post was in November. This is a problem. There are a few contributing factors involved in this.
1. I am a flake.
2. I've been working on setting up my official website! http://melanieroseauthor.wix.com/melanierose Check it out and let me know what you think. The idea is to have everything together and compact: news, events, bio, book links, nifty contact form...even this blog is tied in.
3. I've fallen headfirst into my new novel. Now, this is a very good thing, but it means I've been neglecting other things in consequence...this blog and my MatadorU assignments in particular. However, I'm very hopeful when it comes to the forgiving natures of the readers of this blog, and I can take any length of time to complete the Matador course...thank God for that.
4. I've also been writing study guides for Teaching the Classics: The Center for Literary Education...
5. ...and dancing...a lot.
For a few hints about the new novel, which I'm hoping (fingers crossed) to release in the autumn, check out my inspirational Pinterest board. http://pinterest.com/melanierosehuff/inspiration/
More soon...I hope.